Saturday, February 7, 2009

10 Uses of Lime

1. Mix lemon juice and water in 2:1 ratio . Soak cotton wool in this and dab your skin.
It helps to rejenuvate discoloures skin.

2. A cleansing lotion can be made for dry skin by mixing juice of lemon with equal quantities of milk and cucumber juice.
This lotion clenases out the dust from the pores and enables the skin to breathe freely.


3. To free elbows of grime and oil, prop them for a few minutes on cut lemon halves, while you are relaxing.
This whitens and softens them.


4. Lemon peels can be rubbed on knees and toes to remove ingrained dirt and to prevent them from becoming dark.
Lemon peels soften the chapped soles of the feet.To bleach work-stained hands,use plain lemon juice and rub in hands before washing them.

5. To treat swollen feet, rub with lemonjuice after your bath.
Then take 15 minutes rest, with feet at a higher level than the body .
To refresh tired feet, soak them in hot water to which some lemon juice is added,
or, rub a wedge of lemon over them.


6. Brittle nails can be treated with lemon juice. Dig your nails into a squeezed out half lemon.
This cleanses, removes any stains,strengthens the nails and softens the cuticles.
It gives a natural shine to the nails.


7. To remove brown stains from your teeth, rub a lemon peel against
the fronts and backs of the teeth. Rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards.


8. Add lemon juice to a glass of water and use daily as mouth wash, if you suffer from bad
breath. It will also remove the film of dirt from your teeth , making them sparkle.


9. Lemon juice taken regularly with hot water, keeps gums healthy, wards off colds and adds a sparkle to eyes.


10. Dry lemon peels in shade. Then, grind in mixer to make powder.It is an excellent face scrub.
You can also mix equal parts of this powder with gram flour and wash your face with it, instead of soap.


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